I did NOT expect this to go viral.

Hey Reader,
Long time no talk - that's on me, but since you're on my email list I figured I'd share something cool with ya.
​I had a YouTube video go viral!
And by viral I mean it WAYYY outperformed any other video I've ever produced.
Take a look at this. πŸ‘€

For comparison's sake look how it's performing against my other top videos (if you can call it that haha).

And because of the success of this video, we're only more 10 subscribers away from hitting the elusive 1,000 subscriber mark!

It's small potatoes for many, but boy am I overjoyed right now.

NOT because this means we're rocketing toward YouTube stardom by any means... But because we're finally finding some market fit with the content we've been cranking out for so long.
Plus, because YT has pushed this out to over 110,000 people (total impressions so far), I had a MUCH higher chance of the right viewers finding it and leaving their feedback in the form of watch time, likes, and comments.
And the positive comments have been overwhelmingly great, that it has really begun to open my eyes to where and how I can contribute the most value for my target audience into the future.

Every one-person brand and creator start at the same spot.
Zero Content
Zero Engagement
Zero Feedback
Zero Everything
With over 600 videos and shorts published, it's safe to say we've been putting in the work.
Not here to brag, or anything of the sort.
Just wanted to celebrate this WITH you and thank you for caring enough in my journey and content to be here on my email list. ❀️🀝

But the big question is...
What made this video do so well?
I believe it was a combination of things - which, drumroll......
I plan to make a video about soon.
So make sure you're subscribed! haha

Talk Soon πŸ™‚βœŒοΈ
- Ev

P.S. ​
Based on the comments I've gotten so far, it seems like there's a LOT of people looking for hands-on advice, guidance, and more importantly encouragement on their video creation journey too.
Does this sound like something you'd like as well?
If so, please reply to this email and let me know - I'm cooking up something you will enjoy, and I'd love to have your input as I build it.


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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