Not an M&M... this email is more important.

Hey Reader,
This is not the typical M&M newsletter email you're used to receiving from me.
As we continue to creep closer to the end of 2023 and ring in the new year, I need to fill you in on a few things...

Clear communication is paramount to any relationship, and so I'd like to lay out my current thoughts/plans for the future of this email list.

1. M&M is changing (+ what to expect)
2. My Primary focus for '24 is on my new company,
3. Encouraging words



M&M is Changing

I sent out the first M&M email newsletter on August 1st, 2022, and promised to deliver a well-written, high value email every Monday morning. Since then, I've written and delivered 67 entry's and grew from an email list of 0 people, to 212 people. I'm so grateful to have you here - I don't take that lightly.

Initially, my plans were to 'get into' the newsletter business and use my email list to create additional revenue streams, fuel my pillar/micro content creation strategy, and store all my audiences' in case social media came crashing down for whatever reason.

But just like life...
My outlook moving forward, has changed.

Instead of sending one, fairly long newsletter-type email each week,
I'd like to re-frame the expectations of being opted-in to an email newsletter and become fixed to the idea of being opted-in to Evan's email list.
This opens the door for me to share more with you that may or may not be created by me specifically.

  1. I will most likely Re-Brand M&M into something that more accurately reflects what the email list will be about. I have some ideas - stay tuned. ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. You will receive emails on a (hopefully) more frequent, but irregular schedule - only receiving stuff that I truly believe is valuable.
  3. One I've been told a lot lately is, "Evan, I like your content.. But what is it that you actually do? Like what do you sell? How can you help me?" So with that, I will attempt to be more straightforward about what I sell and how it may benefit you.


If you choose to stay on this email list, you can expect a mixed bag of the following:

  • Long-form Entries written by me
  • Interesting or Insightful Short-form snippets written by me
  • Links to content I come across that I believe you will appreciate
  • Self Promotional emails
  • Stuff that makes me laugh, cry, ponder, etc...


If you are into entrepreneurship, one-person business building, self-development, content creation, or you just happen to like me as a person...

Then you should stay subscribed.
If not, please click unsubscribe at the bottom of this email. no hard feelings.




My New Company: ContentJuice

Throughout '23 I was hellbent on the idea of creating a product that I could 'make once, and sell over and over again forever'. I was bloodthirsty for that high-leverage digital product monetization game and that's where the Content Creation Toolbox came from.

It's a great product and I will continue to invest in making it better and better.

But I quickly realized that I made a rookie mistake...
I had nobody to sell it to and running ads on it would drain my accounts. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Fact: Selling a product without a semi-big, raving audience is HARD.

As I was coming to grips with this reality and deeply studying the content creation niche for small creators and solopreneurs I realized...
"I need to help these creators repurpose their existing content into more formats so they can consistently post of more platforms without facing burnout and going crazy in the process."

I spent months quietly researching, developing, and building...
Behold, ContentJuice!

A simple, no BS, subscription service that turns your videos into endless content without any extra work.
Sign up, submit your video, and within a week we send you a shared google drive folder with:

  • Short-form Vids
  • Image Carousels
  • Quote Graphics
  • Text Posts
  • Text Threads

Once your first project is done, you can submit your next video for 'juicing'.
Pause/cancel at anytime.

This is just phase one and as the brand grows, we'll scale our services to make sure all creators and one-person business owners have a bank of endless original content at their fingertips.



Learning, Adapting, Growing.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned over the past year is the importance of adapting.

I was hesitant to start a newsletter, because the idea of promising the world a new long-form entry every single week was ridiculously intimidating. But I went for it, and am so glad that I did.

But the 'Evan of 2022' is different than the 'Evan of right now' and I need to stay true to that. If I don't stay true to who I am becoming and aim to be, then I'd ultimately be doing both you and I a disservice.

Change is hard.
We both wrestle with it - at work and at home.

But change is also exciting!
New horizons, new insights, new chapters.

Don't let fear or uncertainty hold you back from doing what you feel is right.

No matter what ends up happening, you'll end up becoming a better version of yourself in the process.

Talk Soon ๐Ÿ™‚โœŒ๏ธ
- Ev

p.s. I just recorded a 2024 social content trends and predications video that you'll definitely want to watch. It'll technically be M&M #068. And until I finalize the branding changes, we'll keep using the M&M entry numbering system.


How I Can Help You

๐Ÿงฐ The Content Creation Toolbox
An all-in-one content creation and management system.
Perfect for those who repurpose their content in a variety of ways across multiple platforms.

2. ๐Ÿงƒ Content Juice - Subscriptionโ€‹โ€‹
The simple, no BS monthly subscription service that turns your existing videos into endless content without any additional work. pause/cancel at anytime.โ€‹

3. ๐Ÿš€ 1:1 Content Success Callโ€‹
A private coaching call with Evan that is 100% focused on answering your content-related questions and breaking through any friction points you currently have with content creation.

๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ have a question? reply to this email.



113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Read more from Content Juice ๐Ÿ‹
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