Worst Injury of My Life - 1 Year Later

Hey Reader,
This time last year I was at my lowest.
After a freak dirtbike accident, I experienced the worst injury in my life.
Which landed me in the hospital for 9 days,
a series of painful surgeries,
and months on bedrest.

I. was. useless.
Not to mention, while laying in that hospital bed hardly able to move, my largest paying client at the time dropped me and my services.

85% of my income gone. poof.

To make matters worse, my wife Megan and I, after years of hard work to successfully extinguish our debt - were watching these insane hospital bills roll in to the tune of over $300,000.

It took everything in me to not cry myself into a deep depression.

My kids knew I was hurt, but far too young to understand.

My wife had to take care of my sorry ass, run her business, and keep the household in order.

It was in these moments I was so quickly reminded of a few things.

  1. Life is SUCH a blessing - our health is almost always taken for granted.
  2. The love of family and friends is immeasurable - I'm forever humbled.
  3. It's not what happens to you that, but how you harness it for growth.

I'm not out of the woods yet...
(especially w the damn medical bills πŸ’Έ)

But I'm the most experienced, strongest, and most determined version of myself I've ever been.

video preview​


It doesn't have to take a life altering tragedy to realign your heart and mind.

But oftentimes, we don't grasp these truths until we hit rock bottom.

Every breath is a gift.

Every moment is an opportunity.

Today, I'm thankful.

For you.

For this.

and everything in between.

Please consider watching this video (above) where I share the story and the takeaways all of us can draw from.

Talk Soon πŸ™‚βœŒοΈ
- Ev


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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