Hey Reader,This time last year I was at my lowest.After a freak dirtbike accident, I experienced the worst injury in my life.Which landed me in the hospital for 9 days, a series of painful surgeries, and months on bedrest. I. was. useless. Not to mention, while laying in that hospital bed hardly able to move, my largest paying client at the time dropped me and my services. 85% of my income gone. poof. To make matters worse, my wife Megan and I, after years of hard work to successfully...
8 months ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader,Long time no talk - that's on me, but since you're on my email list I figured I'd share something cool with ya. I had a YouTube video go viral!And by viral I mean it WAYYY outperformed any other video I've ever produced.Take a look at this. đź‘€ For comparison's sake look how it's performing against my other top videos (if you can call it that haha). And because of the success of this video, we're only more 10 subscribers away from hitting the elusive 1,000 subscriber mark! It's small...
9 months ago • 1 min read
Resolutions.Goals.New Commitments.I can smell the excitement and upcoming failed attempts in the air!It's almost comical how the new year season typically plays out for most.Maybe it's time to play the game with the opposite approach.Have you heard of anti-goals?Here's 3 of mine (click the box below). Evan Shank @the_evanshank I love the idea of anti-goals. Why? Because as humans we are typically more motivated by what WE DON’T WANT to happen. 2023 was a tough year for me - some unexpected...
about 1 year ago • 1 min read
Tis the season for the typical question,"You ready for Christmas yet Reader?" And in career-related conversations it's..."How's the 2024 planning coming along?" While I can't help you with your holiday shopping, I CAN make planning your marketing efforts for 2024 more impactful with this video I just dropped.In this video, I break down the stats, trends, and data-backed predictions for 2024 on hot button marketing-related topics: Use of AI in your business Social Media Marketing How companies...
about 1 year ago • 1 min read
Hey Reader,This is not the typical M&M newsletter email you're used to receiving from me. As we continue to creep closer to the end of 2023 and ring in the new year, I need to fill you in on a few things... Clear communication is paramount to any relationship, and so I'd like to lay out my current thoughts/plans for the future of this email list. TL;DR1. M&M is changing (+ what to expect)2. My Primary focus for '24 is on my new company, ContentJuice3. Encouraging words M&M is Changing I sent...
over 1 year ago • 4 min read
#067 Tend to Overcomplicate Things?Here's My Take on Why, and How to Simplify it all... I have a natural tendency to overcomplicate things, when I shouldn't. It's easier said than done, but my tendency to overcomplicate pretty much everything that I'm passionate about… …is a real struggle. And the fact is, overcomplicating situations, especially when you're building something new from the ground up can be the absolute worst thing you can do. In my 20+ years of experience as a performing...
over 1 year ago • 5 min read
#066 The Beginner's Guide to Video Content Creation It’s true. Growing your brand with video is by far the most challenging, and time-consuming way to make content. But it’s not as hard as you may think… If you want to crush the attention-grabbing game and 10x your online presence in a relatively short time span, then you have little choice but to get into the video content creation game. In just the past year I’ve uploaded over 365 videos with a mixture of long-form videos plus tons of...
over 1 year ago • 7 min read
#065 One Man's Journey: Leaving $44M in Sales to Find Freedom with Matt Barron watch the video version Conversations are just more fun, more entertaining, and more interesting. Here's the next in a lineup of great calls I've been having lately.Introducing my new good buddy Matt Barron. Matt is an incredibly smart family man and a top closer at $44Million+ in tech sales for his 9-5 job. With expertise in sales and technology, Matt is on a mission to jump full-time as a solopreneur - and he's...
over 1 year ago • 1 min read
#064 When to Eliminate, Automate, or Delegate One of the most misunderstood curses of solopreneurship is the notion that you have to do literally everything in your business forever. The problem is that, unless you want to be stressed out, overworked, face burnout, make less money, have less time with your loved ones, and take longer to hit your goals… You need help. There are 3 ways you can get help: Eliminate Automate Delegate But when is it the right time for you to apply these to your...
over 1 year ago • 9 min read